Cherry Party: multimedia coverage

Website went live few weeks before event

How can local journalism be more multimedia? How to use audio and video resources to bring the media closer to the audience? The Re/media.Lab project produced a special multimedia coverage for the Cherry Party of Fundão in 2019. The activity was developed in partnership with Jornal do Fundão, a popular local newspaper in the Beira Interiror region, Portugal.

Aline Grupillo, journalist and PhD student in Communication, and I did a special coverage for the Cherry Party to be published in the Journal do Fundão. We published a website three weeks before the party that was held in June 2019. The special website had articles, videos, galleries and a podcast. To optimize time and resources, we produce videos and podcast at the same time. Our product was cross-media content.

The social media of Jornal do Fundão were used to publicize the project, especially Instagram, a social media little used by the newspaper. Instagram was used for live coverage during the event, and with the stories tool. In the end, we published a report on how the party went, three days after the event. lives e muitas postagens em stories. Por fim, publicamos uma reportagem sobre como foi a festa alguns dias após o seu término.

I was responsible for the website content, while Aline did the video reports and the lives during the event. We show the project results three months later at the Local Media Fall School (September 2019). This presentation became a chapter of the book "O Pulsar da Proximidade nos Media e no Jornalismo".

Unfortunately, you can't find the project at You can see how the project went here (only in Portuguese) and the videos on YouTube.

Giovanni Ramos

Jornalista, consultor de comunicação, investigador de media regionais.

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